Shaping the Future Together: A Survey on Postcapitalist Assemblages

Join us in reimagining a sustainable and equitable future! Your insights are invaluable in understanding the impact and potential of Postcapitalist Assemblages and DisCOs (Distributed Cooperative Organizations). Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences by answering the questions below. Your participation is crucial in driving meaningful change and contributing to groundbreaking research. Let’s explore these innovative concepts together and pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Participate now and be a part of this transformative journey!

What do you have to say about the proposal and possibility of a postcapitalist society? *

What is your understanding of Postcapitalist Assemblages? Please describe in your own words. *

Can you provide an example of a postcapitalist practice or initiative that you have encountered or heard about? *

Which aspects of Postcapitalist Assemblages do you find most compelling? (Select all that apply) *

Have you ever participated in any organizations or projects that you consider to be examples of Postcapitalist Assemblages? *

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about Distributed Cooperative Organizations (DisCOs): *
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
DisCOs effectively demonstrate viable alternatives to traditional capitalist structures.
DisCOs enhance democratic participation among their members.
DisCOs contribute positively to local and global sustainability.
DisCOs face significant challenges in scalability and implementation.

DisCOs enhance democratic participation among their members.

DisCOs face significant challenges in scalability and implementation.

DisCOs effectively demonstrate viable alternatives to traditional capitalist structures.

DisCOs contribute positively to local and global sustainability.

Rank the following elements according to their importance in defining a successful Postcapitalist Assemblage (1 being the most important): *
  • Transparency in operations
  • Community involvement
  • Scalability
  • Economic viability
  • Technological adoption

On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective do you believe DisCOs are in addressing social inequalities? *

Rate the impact of technology on the effectiveness of Postcapitalist Assemblages from 1 (very low impact) to 10 (very high impact) *

Please, provide your email! *

Data Consent Notice for Survey Respondents

By clicking the "Finish Survey" button at the end of this survey, you agree to contribute your responses for research purposes. Your data will be used in this doctoral research and may also be utilized in related studies by associated researchers. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that all data handling is in compliance with global data protection laws. Your participation helps advance our understanding of Postcapitalist Assemblages and contributes to broader academic research. Thank you for your invaluable input!